Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Busy, Busy, Busy!

Well, I knew this would happen. I've been slacking on my posts. Oh well, I'm doing what I can.

I really needed this 3 day weekend to get myself together and ready to start taking over more responsibilities. I have already planned Writing for next week. Since we have 4 teachers in there 2-3 days a week, we split up who is teaching. I come up with some mini-lesson ideas and bounce them off of the other teachers, and then we pick which ones we want to teach. I am doing strong leads on Monday and conduct Author's Chair next Friday! My mission for this weekend is to find some books with good leads. I took over reading this week, and today went really well *knock on wood*! My mentor teacher is gone for the next two days, so all of the teaching is left up to me (the sub is there for support lol). I am excited and nervous at the same time. It's a lot of work and preparation, but I'm really enjoying it so far! That's all I can share for now. (I'll post about how the next two days go!) Wish me luck!


  1. You are doing great! Worry not. Let me know if you need ideas for leads. I'm happy reading went well, and I know your author's chair will be great for the students...

  2. Thanks, Beth! I would love some ideas! Do you have any books you can think of off the top of your head? I'll begin searching through my bins of books this weekend, but having some handy titles in hand before then would be nice.
