Wednesday, August 24, 2011

So Much To Do; So Little Time

I'm not sure how much longer I can keep this blog up. It's only the second week and I already feel so overwhelmed. If I'm this busy now, how is it going to be when I am teaching everything for 3-whole weeks? Anyway, tomorrow my mentor teacher will be gone for the afternoon, which means there will be a sub. What this really means is that I am teaching Social Students and ELT (Extended Learning Time). Even though I officially take over responsibility for ELT next week, I have taught the students during ELT all this week. I basically do things off the cuff, and luckily it seems to be going pretty well. I will be glad when I have actual lesson plans to follow next week. I like planning ahead and putting more thought into lessons before teaching. In fact, I'm going to start on my lessons now.

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